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Data Privacy Day 2019

On Data Privacy Day, Managing Partner of HPA, Simon Parkinson, explains how companies can prepare for online data privacy breaches and why it’s so important

“Do you ever worry about your online security? In the light of last year’s GDPR regulations, it is increasingly becoming an issue that individuals and companies must address. So much so we now have a day dedicated to Data Privacy. Indeed, today is Data Privacy Day, an international effort held annually on January 28 to create awareness about the importance of respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust.

In 2019, there is more data being shared by us as individuals online than ever before. As the Cambridge Analytica scandal so dramatically highlighted, we can never be sure how our data is being used by those collecting it. Thankfully the recently introduced GDPR regulations should make a significant difference in protecting our data from being used unlawfully.

So why is cyber security so important? Essentially because the consequences for companies who suffer data breaches can be catastrophic; including loss of reputation, loss of customers, not to mention the significant cost of handling and restoring the situation to the status quo. Over the last year there have been several high-profile breaches of online data involving British Airways, Holiday Inn and Curry’s/PC World to name just a few! Indeed, a recent report claimed the British Airways data breach could cost the business over £1 billion.

It’s not just big business that is suffering either, the rise in cybercrime is putting unprecedented pressure on the police force as estimates (from the 2018 Cyber Security Breaches survey) suggest that two in five businesses have been subjected to cybercrime in the past twelve months, at an average cost of £3,000 per business.

So, how can you prevent a data disaster from damaging your business? One instrumental way is to create an ISO 27001 information security management system. And by committing to achieve ISO 27001 certification, you will be showing your customers you take information security seriously, ensuring processes are put in place that will keep the data you hold secure now and in the future.

For more information on the requirements of 27001 certification and how HPA can help you implement an effective ISO 27001 Information Security Management System, please visit or call us on 01477 549 116, we’d be more than happy to help.

About the author

Simon Parkinson

Simon Parkinson is Managing Partner of HPA and has over 20 years experience of helping companies achieve ISO management system certification.

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